New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering - The GitHub Blog
Today we’re announcing two major updates to make GitHub more accessible to developers.
終於免費無限 Private Repo (Up to 3 Collaborators)!

相信會多咗好多人將自己準備 Open Source 嘅 Side Project 都預先推上 GitHub Private Repo 先。

不過呢期冒起得好快嘅 GitLab 一早已經係真無限(無限 Collaborators),仲有 GitLab CI 加持;對於幾個人想圍埋做 Product 嘅人黎講,GitHub 呢個舉動似乎未夠競爭力,但形象一定會好咗😎


等 Microsoft 表演