New Cloud Filestore service brings GCP users high-performance file storage
By Tad Hunt, Product Manager; Chris Talbott, Product Marketing As we celebrate the upcoming Los Angeles region for Google Cloud Platform ...

見到第一個印象係諗同 Object Storage 有乜分別?然後就 🤔 唔係喎,可以當 File System 咁用唔洗又 Auth 又經 HTTP 咁噴 File 上 Bucket;

跟住第二個印象就係咁同 Block Storage 有乜分別?最後 🤔 唔係喎,佢用 NFS Protocol 即係可以幾部機都 Mount 呢個 Volume。

簡單又貼身對 Developer 黎講係 PHP恩物

大量 PHP-based CMS 都好依賴 Plugins,但係裝呢啲 Plugins/Themes 好多時係直接 Download & unzip 去一個 File System 內 (PHP execution path); 若果 Cloud 上面無類似 Filestore 嘅 Service,所有野會黐住咗部 instance 内嘅 File System,除非 Freeze CMS plugin/themes,否則無可能 Load Balance + Horizontal Scale,更不用說用 Kubernetes / Docker Swarm。

有咗 Filestore 嘅話,可以無限開機指住同一堆 Files ,Concurrent Modify 問題相信啲 CMS 一早有用 Database 解決,因為 Single Machine + Multiple Admin 好常見!

Cloud Filestore enabled us to simply and natively integrate Wordpress on Kubernetes Engine.

You can resize on demand without downtime to a max of 64TB*.