Android Official Support For Kotlin 」!!!!
Android Announces Support for Kotlin
The latest Android and Google Play news and tips for app and game developers.

一年半前接觸過 Kotlin 之後,完全覺得返唔到轉頭,今日得知可以唔洗返轉頭👍🏻 實感恩惠

早兩個月,當時由於無一篇介紹 Kotlin 嘅文函蓋到阿 Gap 心目中 Kotlin 嘅優點,於是係 Medium 寫咗一篇《選擇 Kotlin 六大原因、七大進步、比 Swift Development 更成熟》(Picking Kotlin for Android)

#當初朋友聽到我用 Kotlin寫 Android以為被伏自己踩




Part 1 : Picking Kotlin for Android — The Reason Behind
Picking a new language for android development requires strong reasons. Right?