有人鐘意用自己起嘅 Private Data Centre 去媲美 Cloud Provider 提供嘅 Service。
但其實 Cloud Provider 提供嘅服務絕非單單提供一堆 VPS 、一堆 Database,Cloud Provider 達到嘅級數並不可能用一舊錢幾個人幾個月就可以模仿得到。Cloud Provider 能夠提供 API Manage, Scaling, Elastic Storage, Multi-AZ ...等等。
與其揀花錢自己做自己維護又無降低過風險,倒不如揀一個「Proved Solution」!
有人話 Cloud 好貴,咁阿 Gap 會反問定係請幾個人淨係做 Infra 貴?
文中亦提到,Evernote 上 Google Cloud 重寫咗個某部份嘅 System 駁咗 Google Pub/Sub Service。咁岩早兩日係 Payme 個 Post 都有提過下 Message Queue 嘅概念,有興趣不妨望下👍🏻
一齊睇下 Evernote 嘅分享,節錄於文內:
Why move to the cloud?
“We were just very realistic that with a team the size of Evernote’s operations team, we couldn’t compete with the level of maturity that the cloud providers have got…on provisioning, on management systems, et cetera,” McCormack said.“ We were always going to be playing catch-up, and it’s just a crazy situation to be in.”
The immediate benefits of a migration
One of the key benefits of Evernote’s move to Google’s cloud is the company’s ability to provide reduced latency and improved connection consistency to its international customers.
From an Evernote standpoint, the company’s engineers have increased freedom to get their work done using cloud services. Rather than having to deal with provisioning physical infrastructure to power new features, developers now have a whole menu of options when it comes to using new services for developing features.